I'm Back

The last time I posted was two days before Thanksgiving; it's now six days before Christmas... so what's new in my life?

I did not complete the NaNoWriMo challenge, I ended the month with just over 17,000 words. However, I am happy with what I've written so far and plan to resume work on it in January. Actually I'm happy with the concept and the characters... the writing itself is quite rough.

So many things are going on in my life right now that it's hard to sum it up in a few sentences, what I can say though is that I'm really enjoying living in Mount Prospect, IL. We live in a great neighborhood with lots of good neighbors. I do miss my family in Buffalo, NY... A LOT. I also miss my "family" and friends in Raleigh, NC... A LOT. The holidays have been a little rough from time to time, emotionally... but Vid and Aliana are here to help me through it.

For those of you who may not know this, I am a bit of a "mama's girl"; it's been over a year since I've seen my mother and during this time she has been hospitalized and wheel-chair bound, so I'm feeling a little guilt too.

Mom, if you're reading this... I love you and I miss you more than you'll ever know.

To all who visit my site, and those they know and love (or tolerate), I wish you a safe and happy holiday season.


QUOTE FOR TODAY:  If you are going through hell...keep going.  -Winston Churchill