Keeping it Brief

Keeping it Brief

As July comes to a close, I am happy to say that I've continued on my trajectory towards change. I continue to begin each day with a positive mindset and being grateful for the small wins. As we enter August, I wish to add a couple of items that I wish to focus on in August. 

  1. I have chosen to go meatless for the month of August. My eating has gone so far off the rails recently, that trying to find an on ramp to good health has been hard. I do not have a problem with eating meat, my problem is with choosing healthier, better options. So this month, while avoiding meat, I will be using it as a first step to re-learning to have more control over what I put in my body and why?
  2. Continue starting my day with gratitude and positive energy.
  3. Remember to move every hour during my work day. It's so easy to get so focused on work that I don't stand up for hours, this is not a good long term strategy for a long and healthy life. Just get up and move, get a glass of water, take Cooper out, do squats... just move.

I could keep going, and there is a lot that I want to do, but the plan is not to set myself up for failure, but rather position myself to succeed. As I said, one day at a time, one step at a time.

That's it for now. Peace to you all.