Quick Check-in - Day 4

Quick Check-in - Day 4

This will be a brief check-in about yesterday's progress.

First, yesterday's Win List:

  • Wake up before 8:00 AM
  • Walk for a minimum of 30 minutes - W!
  • Log all of my meals - W!
  • Blog today - W!
  • Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water - W!
  • Move often - W!

Yesterday, I found myself feeling over-tired most of the day. I am still having trouble sleeping, so I took a melatonin, last night, to see if it would help. It did, but I had a hard time getting up, early, this morning.

As for tomorrow's goals, I will once again, repeat my original Win List. I will continue making these my daily goals for the remainder of the week.

That's it for today. Peace to you all.